
For those who doesn´t understand Spanish, I translate the words in the pic above.
“If this son of a bitch can get on a train with an AK and nine magazines, something is wrong. And if authorities aren´t able to guarantee our security, they should let us protect ourselves and take care of our own security.
Self-defense, right now!!”
This is mostly directed to European citizens, although in US they are trying to severely restrict the selling and carrying of guns.
All this that will follow is not the result of any moment of heat, anger or excessive passion; it has been perfectly thought, over thought and the result of reflexive mental process.

I give you the example of the state of Israel. They reached this conclusion after suffering wars and terrorism like we are living in almost daily basis in Europe.
Over there, they need to carry guns, and not only hand-guns, even assault rifles and submachine guns. Why? Because they are the constant target of islam, not only islamist terrorist, like the biased media try to portray the problem. Islam commands explicitly to kill jews and infidels wherever they find them.

The jews know their enemy and are behaving consequently. And nobody will tell me that in Israel they have indiscriminate shooting every now and then, because it would be a lie. They are educated, controlled in the use of firearms and know how to deal with them perfectly well. Why can´t we Europeans reach that point of self-control and education? I tell you why; because your governments don´t want you in control of your own lives. Progressive Europe don´t like their citizens take control of nothing, it is a federal dictatorial system, and you know it.

Take into account that the military and police forces lack the super power of ubiquity.

I am a detective inspector, a cop in Spain. I can carry my gun always, I am even obliged to do so, even out of service, which seems perfect to me. But my fellow citizens and all the foreign people visiting us don´t have that privilege. Consequences? Only the bad guys have guns in Spain, because the black market is open to them and they are out of the system, so…….. normal people are at their “disposal”.

But this should be so crystal clear to all in Europe since the war against islam……. Yes, I say Isalm, not radical islam, islamofascism, jihadists, no, just I call it how my enemy calls it: ISLAM. It is time Europe takes the example of Israel, despite the rampant antisemitism.

Yes, let´s be clear and honest. Europe has always been anti-Semitic or anti jews. I make this point clearer because many of you think arabs are Semitic too. No, they are Hamitic, and if you don´t believe me, read the books of an expert in this field, Dr. Shaí ben-Tekoa, a question I could give you myself a good class.

We are dealing here with the right of common citizens to carry guns. Give me a logical reason why, in a situation of war like we have with islam, people shouldn´t protect themselves, and don´t tell me, please, that there would be indiscriminate shootings and a lot of dead people as a result. You all have seen how muslims kill infidels with trucks, vans and cars. Do we forbid the use of vehicles too? They are weapons too, as you can see.

Should I apologize if I say this? For all those stupid, ignorant and fascist left progressives, weak and evil people, I should for sure, I should even be hanged in the public square or burnt like a witch during the inquisition or in Saudi arabia or iran. Or even to those stupid conservatives afraid to raise their voices not to be called racists, islamophobic and Nazis by the left. I laugh my ass off.

The center and moderate right is allowing that strange marriage between a collectivist, totalitarian left ideology with a collectivist, totalitarian ideology from the religious far right. United in hate they are. Hate towards our western culture, and we normal people are observing the process like cows staring calmly the pass of a train while grazing. Amazing how spineless and weak we are.

My dad fought in the civil war against communism and in Russia with them against Nazism. A real warrior, fought for freedom. Yes, a contradictory man my dad, but loyal to his values.

We have no values, we take for granted a freedom that is being stolen from us piece by piece by the dictator merkel. We haven´t fought for our freedom never, ever. But our children and grandchildren will have to if we don´t stand up right away.

The word “islamophobia” doesn´t exist. It lacks meaning; it is just a try to shut you up labelling you. Like Pat Condell says, I will tell you the words that really exist: islamonausea”, which is profound disgust to be all day hearing about fucking islam, and “islamophobianausea”, feeling really dizzy and disoriented of hearing “islamophobia” all the time from the muslim victimism, which will raise spectacularly after the last terrorist attacks in Barcelona and cambrils. All this, of course, under their biased and evil view, because normal people will continue with their lives and not harassing any woman wearing that fascist and supremacist artifact called hijab, burka or veil.

All these rags covering feminity are just an excuse for rape, justify rape and approve rape. They aren´t at all a piece of garment self-imposed by women and consented. Simply put, they stop muslim men from raping women and girls. Seems to me that it only affects, curiously, to muslim men, not the rest of “filthy” infidels. Seems to me that the sexual urgencies of muslim men are magically erased by a piece of rag covering female shapes and hair, and if women dress like darth vader, the better. That is the reason, that in UK seems all this is unspeakable and hidden due to political correctness and stupid ignorance, besides fear to be called racist and all the rest of absurd insults; that muslims consider white women and girls as “fair game”, just pieces of meat to hunt, enjoy, torture and dump. Is this what we need and want, is this kind of culture we want to mingle and share. Yes, we need islam like we need a plague-carrying bunch of rats in our living room.

No, I don´regret a single word said here, and I can understand some leftie progressive skunks and viruses  feelling offended. Well, I understand it slimes, but I don´t care. It is absurd, getting very close to committing an illegal act, that authorities leave people without resources and in danger seeing how Europe is some 20 years ago. Maybe I will be disciplined or suspended by my bosses for this. I don´t care a bit.
We are in a fucking war, dammit!!

And the fact that a hundred muslims have hit the street with banners saying “Islam is peace and not in my name”. no, it isn´t in your name, liar and educated in taquiya muzzie that think all of us don´t know shit about islam. A lot of us know much, much more than you, and very much that we´d like to know. Muslims that, like 80%, have never read quran, sunna, hadith and sira, like I have.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. Europe has become in this sense in another Israel, but totally unaware of what we have on top of us, an invasion and constant attacks from muslims and their apologists. This will go on until common people raise, take the streets and make a slaughter like we Spaniards had to do with French invasion that famous date . May 2nd of 1808.

When that happens, and it will, at least in my country because I know Spaniard fellow citizens and mindset, no authorities, no government, no army, no police force will stop the rivers of muslim blood, many of them innocent people unfortunately. And this will happen due to the passive attitude and lack of effective measures taken on time by the elected politicians we have. They are to blame, only them.

We are at war, and not even 20000 cops and 5000 legionarios in the streets patrolling will stop a truck from mowing dozens of lives in a crowded street.

Do you know who can avoid it? Armed people amongst the crowd able at least to repeal the aggression effectively. Many lives can be saved in the spot. This is only solution, it is not negotiable, doesn´t admit any parliamentary discussion, only the absolute and conclusive aproval, and of course with due control, formation, education and training.

The rest of the debate is sterile, the left, even the conservatives and all political establishments will want to kill the discussion. The passive right will want to quiet it arguing that we have the police and the army. I am a cop and I know it is not enough, not even close.
I am a proud member of that force, but we are not super heroes, nor do we have all the answers. It is time that you people claim for your right to be armed, because we are being attacked almost on a daily basis.
Are we clear or should I make a draw?

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