
It must be nice be living in the bubble you live in, it must deliciously joyful to wake up in the morning in your mansions, with a huge smile on your faces and it is even very understandable that you want to make you visible from time to time to promote some of your, in the majority of cases ridiculous and stupid films, but please, get down to earth from time to time either. I tell you why, dear leftie celebrities.
It happens that there is a real life out of your bubble. I know, I know, what a surprise, uh? And some of you, I´d say a good percentage of you, little puppets, have the arrogance to make statements and give opinions about questions you don´t know shit about.

Except some respectable cases like Jon Voight, James Woods, Clint Eastwood or Harrison ford, all of them people with an extensive experience in life because they are old enough to have lived in the real world, Hollywood leftie celebrities are just an embarrassment for all of us, common people, and even for themselves.

Take the case of Angelina Jolie. My good god Odín!!! She goes around saying islam is a beautiful religion! Well, here I have to agree with her in some points about islam, let´s see:
1.- The crescent moon is a nice and pretty logo for that death cult, that nobody can deny.
2.- The Friday prayers in a large mosque, what a show!! Synchronized praying, everybody getting up and down their asses at the same time, quiet remarkable too. All of them carpet-chewing slimes perfectly trained, like seals (all due respect for seals and the poison in the comparison).
3.- This could bother some Christian, but we must recognize the fact that not having a jew nailed to a piece of wood in their logo is an extra point.

Maybe this “smart” lady is only seeing the good things in islam, which must be many, except if we take into account the honor killings suffered for women in many Islamic countries, even now in Europe, the purest hatred for all female-related things, the paranoid level of pure fear to all feminine, the pathological level of jew-hatred commanded by the coran and mandated by the prophet, the rampant paedophilia, the gigantic homophobia, the backwardness of their culture, the supremacism, racism inherent to islam and the scandalous levels of corruption among them, the use of slavery even now….. well, we could reach the conclusion that islam has some beautiful things, right Angie?? But you know, if you forget all those things described above and focus on only the good things in islam, then it comes there is no islam, because it is exclusevely those things which give a meaning to that desert death cult.

I give you an option you sure will like very much indeed. Given that you are now a single woman, why don´t you go to live to Saudi Arabia or Pakistan? You can find a brand new man, camel urine drinker (no alcohol, of course), beating-wives husband who, apart from raping you, is having an affair with some goat? Just asking.
Yes Angie, you will pretty happy over there. Islam is beautiful, isn´t it?

But let´s leave islam apart for a few moments (it is hard for me not to be talking about the religion of peace and constant victimism, but sometimes a man has to do the correct thing). Let´s talk politics.

Yes, what a nice and enjoyable place to toy around, right leftie celebrities. You are trying to poison the presidency of Mr. Trump in any possible way. I will not criticize you because you give an opinion, I will fight for your right for free speech, nevertheless it is notorious you turn a blind eye to all the good things this President is bringing to us, common people. Yes, you are not going to like hearing it and you won´t accept the defeat, but you (by my cojones) are going to hear it. He is doing an outstanding job, he is bringing up the US economy just in six months and the majority of us, normal people, which excludes of course all your “progressive-liberal” friends, are very happy with the situation.

Be aware of something important, Hollywood snowflakes. You are just marionettes to us. We spend our hard earned money to hear your music, watch how you pretend to be some characters in movies and TV. Your only job, a stupidly and incredibly well paid one, is to entertain us for some time, and to take us away from reality, which is funny once in a while. Your personal political opinions mean shit to us. You are significant and influential only in your own narrow minds, and in the minds of the left elitist peers around you, who listen hypnotized to what you say, no matter it is nonsense.
You are only puppets moved by the strings of a master, who uses you, makes you hate your own culture and country. The culture that feeds you, remember this.

So……. Sing, dance, act. On some rare occasions you do it well. In the meantime, just SHUT THE FUCK UP about the real world you don´t have a clue about how it works. And stop pretending, because that is what you do, just pretend, to know what the fuck you are talking about.

If in those little and empty hearts of yours is still some lucid light, please, let some room for common sense and respect for what the US people has voted, because you are offending a very large population of the Country, and maybe, just maybe, it will provoke a backlash you wouldn´t expect ever.

I would wish you some peace of spirit, but I am sure you wouldn´t know what to do with it.



It is not uncommon to hear that the so-called liberal left (reality is far left, there is no other class, same as islam…….. not radical or extremist islam, just islam, like the enemy calls it) is usually very quiet about all concerning islam, but I need to say they are swift as hell to trample over all us criticizing that evil cult. Basically they use the pre- established cliché titled:” You are a fucking racist, nazi too, and an islamophobe, nazi too” Anything new on the horizon?

In the very moment someone raise a critic voice against the thousands of barbaric atrocities committed by the crescent moon, suddenly armies of hundreds of morons from the multiculturalist movement living in the dirty left raise their voices and fists quiet offended. You know? To me hurting those sensitivities is like eating an ice cream, when it stars to melt I try to eat it harder and faster, enjoying it.  This is the kind of skunks who´d put a burka on his/her grannys, moms and sisters with the nice purpose of seeming inclusive and stretch out cultural bridges with the urine camel drinkers. As we need them and their fucking bridges. All we need is take the issue seriously and blow all those bridges. These leftie monkeys (all due respect to monkeys) are able to stone them…… of course, only if she is an adulterer, don´t think I t would be without a reasonable reason.

Here in Spain, where I live as a proud Spaniard, we have the same problem with the “progressive left”, don´t think you Americans are the only ones, or the rest of Europe. The behavior of that branch of thought is the same collectivist shit everywhere. Poland people and eastern Europe countries are doing things really well, making their stand before that Merkel witch and not permitting islam into society.

These slimes have their main habitat in a different place from us, common mortals. They sit, like the Nazis or ancient communists, in a superior place of moral judgement, so high above that you can´t see them among the clouds of their self-righteousness. All of our thoughts, words and behavior are under their superior eye of scrutiny, when reality is they can´t face a proper debate without name calling or admitting simple facts.

Yes, I am speaking about you, the liberal left intelligence, which is neither liberal, nor intelligent…… it is only nude left, living in a utopic bubble.  The only real thing that steers your way of living and political pulse is the most pure hatred towards our western culture, and you don´t show the least sign of respect, because you don´t know those concepts, but your dirty mouths are full of them like you know what they mean. Real justice, respect, social cohesion, freedom of expression, etc. are concepts you use but don´t give a shit about them.

In Spain the political groups winning this nice award are two: PSOE and PODEMOS. A strange mixture of labor party in UK or the left in the American democrats. Same as the American and British, they have been obliged to try to change names many times: Communism, socialism, liberalism, progressive left, civilization alliance……… Nothing works, eh? Well, you could show some decency and call it what it is: “A groups of stupid, hatred-full people trying to kill their own society in the hope that will kill their hate for themselves for being born in the first world” ……I know, I know, it is a little long for a card, but as idea you know is the truth. And the funny thing  is that, if islam takes over, you will be under the sword just the same.

In fact, looking into the left licking attitude to islam and the coward political correctness, it is not strange many of us have despised the word “liberal”.

Before the triumphant entrance of islam in my life and my culture, I used to fly over the liberal spaces of thought, but you, bunch of prehensile mono-neuron beings have taken over that beforehand respectable space, so you are a multicultural bunch of gangsters, and I will never forget this, as I will never forget to fight islam off my respectable world.

So, here I am, looking out for a proper political offer, and I voting conservative, which is the most pure and crystal clear liberalism I will find. Of course, I don´t take for granted any of my liberties since the left is trying so hard to marry islam, and I know my freedom can end any minute, but not with a fight. A good one.

A utopic collectivist left bunch of “libertarian” people allied with an extremist far-right theocracy. Do you want it more surreal or we paint it purple?

Of course, the left lost their nuts long time ago, and has lost moral authority to claim anything. The remedy has become poison. Of course, I might tell you the resentment you make feel, but it would take seven 500 pages volumes of El Quijote. Some masterpiece of the insult and offence.

The left is associated with the most dreadful ideology on earth in their urge to annihilate our culture and way of life. And I would kill myself before voting you, western traitors. This is the reason I dedicate with the love you can imagine this modest paper to you, carrying-plague rats.

You are the fascism of the left associated with the dogmatic fascism of religion. And as I am sure you will call me racist and the normalized names in your poor vocabulary, I tell you now, the word “racist” deserves a public apology from you, multicultural rats, because you use it as a chemical weapon just to stick on us with the intention of just shutting us up, and of course, another one to the real victims suffering for their skin color.

We are part of the same whole, but we don´t follow the same ideology and religion, do you follow, eminences?  Or should I draw it for you?

And not everybody has the same culture. And this the ugly reality, skunky lefties, we are being invaded, yes, invaded for a strange culture with backwards values, highly offensive ones and dangerous, and this is so not because we are a bunch of racists, this is because those values are degrading, especially if you are a woman, gay or Jew. Do you hear feminists?

This is why we, normal people, reject them.

The plain issue of hiding all the feminine in Islamic culture is about just one thing, stupid libtards: The muslim man is not made responsible of their sexual urges, so, any woman walking around and not looking like darth Vader is in the death row for rape, and after that, stoned to death for being guilty of that rape, for “seducing”. Curious this only happens to muslim monkeys. The rest of normal men are able to see a female ankle and not have an erection.

The Islamic disguise or burka legitimizes rape. It apologizes for rape. Do you hear again, western feminists? And this makes this outfit in a KKK thing or a nazi svastika, and should be seen with the same despise and comtempt.

And that ridicule argument of free choice, well, wearing a balaclava in a bank or strolling down the streets naked is free choice, but sure you will end up in a police station.

The burka option is more seen in here, western countries, than in Islamic ones. It is used like a political weapon to provoke tensions and with the intention of undermining our values about the equality of all human beings. In Islamic culture, if you haven´t noticed, equality between people is nonexistent, and there is no scientific measure to appoint the difference of treatment over there.

The solution for all this, is not be more tolerant and show more respect for islam, it is to show more respect for our values, be more intolerant with islam, restrain it with powerful laws and don´t let move it from the thinking corner until it changes a thousand things.

The solution is that islam gets rid of all the violence, hatred and misogyny, when muslim men start to treat woman like human beings, not like properties. This is the only solution, no negotiable and saying so is not racist, leftie scum.

And the word “islamophobia”, well, it is nonexistent.

What it does exist is infidelofobia, and it does 1400 years ago in the Islamic world, and we are importing it by millions, a war that will have to be fought by our children and grandchildren, do we want this?

I feel sorry for you lefties, because you hate so intensely our own culture, you are blind, but this isn´t giving you the slightest right to remove it from us, so continue with your little hearts full of hatred, because you know, we will defend it whatever the cost.

You can tell to Abdula, Hassan, Fatima………. My culture is vastly superior to the Islamic one, different galaxies, and this is not racist either, it is just pure maths.

All this you won´t like, stupid libtards, and you will not want to talk about the values given to you to use the freedom of speech to hammer the freedom of speech, but in the meantime, slimes, if you find a little corner into your empty hearts to not calling us racists because you haven´t arguments against us enjoying western culture, we would be deeply grateful, motherfuckers.

violent soldier